Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Conventions Of Magazine Front Covers And Content Pages.

Front Covers.
Front Covers must inlcude:
* A masthead;
* A barcode;
* The price, date and issue number;
* Anchorage - Connecting the texts with the images;
* Sub heading of content;
* Individual unique selling point;
* Colour scheme; (No more than five seperate colours)
* Bright/Bold fonts; (Sites and Styles)
* Posed photography;
* Set background image/styles;
* Text layering;
* Brand identity/logo;
* Eye catching/intriguing TITLES;
* URL;
* Main Arcticle;
* Name of magazine links to topics.

Contents Page.

Contents page includes:
* Different advertisement deals for the magazine;
* Different images/page numbers/words;
* Headings;
* Colour Scheme;
* Editorial; (Message from editor.)
* Dates;
* Banners;
* Titles catch readers attention; (Normally with bigger/bolder fonts.)
* Exclusive extra's;
* Reviews;
* Pictures and texts link in together;
* Main arcticle;
* USP's;
* Different fonts for different articles/genre's;
* Sub headings;
* Logo's repeated;
* Photographers name in fine print;
* No empty spaces.

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